Despite her impressive looks, the M10 was not that great. This was due to her light cannon.
Work on her successor was started in September 1942. The basis stayed the M10A1 chassis but the new tank was
given a 90mm M3 gun in a new developed, but still open turret,
just as with the M10. Of the, now called, M36 Jackson 1298 were produced.
To protect the crew against light gunfire and shrapnel, the open turret was covered in the later models with
a partly to open light armored rooftop.
The turret of the M36 Jackson.
To notice the differences between the M36 Jackson and the M10, there are two major points to
look for. At the back of the somewhat rounder turret, a long counterweight is protruding. This one
is much more fluent that the one on the M10, with her two heavy blocks as a counter weight. In the
extra room in the protruding back of the M36, eleven extra shells could be stored.
Left, the mask of an M10, right the one of an M36
The second point of distinction is the mask at the front of the turret where the cannon runs
through. On the M10 it was made with a sharp corner, as with the M36 it is much rounder with
a distinctive bulge atop of it. The first produced M36 Tank Destroyers were delivered without
the muzzle brakes. Post-war models were given the M26 stylish muzzle brakes.
An M36 Jackson during
the Battle of the Bulge ('B' Company, 703rd TD Battalion, attached to the 82nd Airborne Division)
In the second half of 1944 the first M36 Jacksons arrived in Europe. Because of the
great demand for tank destroyers during this period, 187 standard M4A3's chassis were adjusted for
M36 turrets. Some of these M36B1's saw some action at the end of the war. Beside the adjustments with
the M4A3 and the M4A2 chassis, 500 obsolete M10 were rebuilt to M36 standard.
Eleven extra grenades in the
rear of the turret.
(picture; Ton van Geldrop)
As mentioned above, the chassis of the M4A2 was also used to carry the turret of the M36.
This chassis was actually reserved for the M10 . The production of these M36B2
was started in May 1945 and a total of 287 were built. This version came to late to see any
action in the Second World War, but saw action in Korea. It was also deployed by the French
during the war in Indochina.
An M36 Jackson in Korea.
The last M36B2's even saw action at the end of the nineties of the last century, when they were
deployed in Bosnia, sixty years after the introduction. These types had Russian 500 hp diesel engines.
Thanks to these sources some M36 TD's are still around and are given a safe future in the hands of
enthusiastic collectors
A nice restored M36 Jackson.
In November 2011 I received some pictures of a disabled M36 from Jero 'Sheriff' de Koning who did his first tour of duty
in Bosnia in the summer of 1996, where he took the pictures below. With Jero permission I'm able to show them here.
(Pictures; J.M.A. de Koning)